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Q Basic 64 Bit and 32 Bit

QBasic is an IDE and interpreter for a variant of the BASIC programming language which is based on QuickBASIC. Code entered into the IDE is compiled to an intermediate form, and this intermediate form is immediately interpreted on demand within the IDE.[1] It can run under nearly all versions of DOS and Windows, or through DOSBox/DOSEMU, on Linux and FreeBSD.[2] For its time, QBasic provided a state-of-the-art IDE, including a debugger with features such as on-the-fly expression evaluation and code modification.

Tipe data pada Qbasic :
Tipe data numerik integer
This type of memory size range of values
Byte 1 byte 0 .. 255
Shortint 1 byte -128 .. 127
Integer 2 byte -32768 .. 32767
Word 2 byte 0 .. 65535
Longint 4 byte -2147483648

Tipe data numerik real
Type of real numerical constants ranging from 1E-38 to 1E +38, the numerical value
real memory occupied by 6 bytes.

Tipe data karakter
Value of the character of a character written between single quotes.

Tipe data string
A collection of some of the characters that lies between the single quotes.

Tipe data boolean.
This data type has two values ​​that is true & false.


- Goto (
unconditional condition), as described above

- if then + goto :
conditional conditions, only one condition

- if then + else :
conditional conditions with 2 or more terms

- select case :
selecting or executing the conditions tested


- For .. next
Repeating a command / instruction in a predetermined amount, as well as large gains.

- Do while … loop
Repeating the command during a qualifying condition (true) and stops when no longer should meet the condition (false)

- Do until … loop
repeated instruction during unqualified condition (false) and stops when the conditions are eligible (true)

- While … wend
same as the do while. . . .loop but only one form of writing and do not have the exit command to stop the iterative process before the end

Oke Friends, if you want q basic, you can download HERE

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